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AllSeasons with Alpha 

Discover Our Process

The Problem...

Many investment advisors simply recommend a buy and hold strategy without much consideration to the ongoing market conditions. As a consequence many investors suffered unbearable losses during the Internet Bubble, the Subprime Housing bubble, and now the Covid-19 pandemic.

While some firms focus their recommendations on past performance models, we strive to understand the current economic environment in order to help us to properly diversify portfolios.

The AllSeasons with Alpha Process.

Our Financial Planning Process

Growth and Inflation are the keys to a proper sector and asset allocation of portfolio(s).

As the economy goes through its natural cycles, some sectors will come in favor while others simply fall out of favor. It’s a fact. It’s reality. It’s an opportunity. 

As a serious investor, your first question should be - is growth in our economy accelerating or decelerating? Is inflation accelerating or decelerating? That's where we start the conversation. As we get to know each other better, we will be happy to provide a more in depth look to our process.

To Help Us Identify The Sectors Favored By The Current Economic Environment,
We Divide The Business Cycle Into 4 Distinct Investment Seasons.

As the business cycle evolves, we simply adjust to keep portfolios properly diversified with the market.

graph showing four investment seasons

spring iconSpring

Early Recovery

After a long winter (survival season) pent up demand emerges, growth finally returns. Inflation is still under pressure.

Bullish sectors in equities, fixed income and commodities are starting to turn around and now begin to assume market leadership.

summer iconSummer


Economic growth is accelerating, inflation is also accelerating. Economic animal spirits are in full force.

Aggressive sectors in equities, fixed income and commodities tend to perform very well in this economic environment.

fall icon


Market Peak

Economic growth is now decelerating, but inflation is still accelerating. We are now late cycle when market peaks are often registered.

It’s time to reduce portfolio risk and add some defensive sectors to your portfolios

winter iconWinter


Both economic growth and Inflation are now decelerating.

We are now in survival mode. It’s time to be very defensive. 

Armed with the proper research, this season often becomes one of the most opportune time for our process.

Which Sectors Are Currently Favored By The Current Economic Environment?

That’s where we start the conversation! As we get to know each other better, we will be happy to provide a more in depth look to our process. This process is also available in a fully tax-deferred format.  

Welcome to the All Seasons with Alpha Process! 

-Bernard R Michaud CFP

Are You Properly Diversified Within the Sectors Favored by the Current Economic Environment?

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