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Bernard R. Michaud, CFP®  Photo

Bernard R. Michaud, CFP®


Never Stop Learning, Never Stop Reading, Never Stop Improving The Process.

Bernard R. Michaud, CFP®

Bernard has been actively involved in the financial services industry for over 26 years, earning his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation in 2002. Unhappy with the traditional proprietary investment solutions offered by Wall Street and big banks, Bernard began developing an alternative that would bring his clients independent, unbiased, proactive investment advice. As a result, AllSeasons Alpha Wealth Management was founded. 

The AllSeasons with Alpha Process is designed to help investors improve their returns in all phases of the business cycle. Becoming an independent advisor has allowed Bernard to eliminate conflicts of interest that other, more traditional Wall Street firms may have.

Bernard currently holds his Series 7, 63, 65 and 24 registrations. For Estate Planning purpose, Bernard is also licensed in life insurance.

Before entering into the financial services industry, Bernard earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Finance from the University Du Quebec in 1982. 

On a Personal Note

Bernard and his wife Amy have three children and stepchildren, as well as three grandchildren. An instrument-rated pilot, Bernard enjoys flying, snow skiing and cycling in his free time. 

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